Jens a très mal dormi et ne se sent vraiment pas bien. Il part quand même travailler, c’est le dernier jour et le work shop finit à midi.
Je reste à travailler avec le blog. Vers midi, un employé de l’hôtel me monte le sac de Jens. Comme je ne sais pas où est Jens, je l’appelle. Il s’est senti encore plus mal ce matin à l’Institut et ses collègues et étudiants l’ont convaincu d’aller voir un docteur, où il est maintenant. C’est à une clinique privée, aux urgences ! Le docteur donne son diagnostique après un examen physique et une radio : bronchite qui a tourné en début de pneumonie. Elle lui prescrit un antibiotique, un sirop pour la toux et une histamine. Jens paye 70 dollars, ce qui n’est pas très cher, mais c’est parce qu’il a plus de 63 ans. Rentré ici, Jens regarde son antibiotique sur internet et le trouve. Il est très fort et a de nombreux effets secondaires. Mais que faire ? Il va le prendre quand même.
Jens se repose. Je lui propose d’aller à la pharmacie seule mais il dit qu’une petite promenade lui fera du bien.
Nous partons donc plus tard, quand il fait moins chaud, pour trouver une pharmacie. La première n’a pas cet antibiotique, le pharmacien dit qu’il en a un autre semblable, mais Jens est sceptique. Il a en mémoire un collègue qui, au Chili, a pris un médicament « semblable » au Paracet norvégien. Ce médicament était si fort et il a tué tant de bactéries que cet homme s’est retrouvé sans système de défense immunitaire. Donc, nous allons à une autre pharmacie. Chaque pharmacie est une petite boutique, sans arrière boutique comme en Norvège. Il y a des tiroirs avec les médicaments, mais peut-être 50 (100 ?) fois moins que chez nous. Et les pilules se vendent à l’unité. Jens achète aussi une boite de 20 comprimés d’Aspirine et le pharmacien est surpris. Toute une boite ? Nous payons presque 100 dollars. Pas de problèmes pour nous, mais pour les gens pauvres …
Jens regarde encore sur internet et il trouve que cet antibiotique ne doit pas être combiné avec l’histamine que le docteur lui a prescrite. Donc il ne prendra pas l’histamine.
C’est incroyable que Jens fonctionne si bien avec une pneumonie. Nous allons boire un verre près de la piscine puis Jens se repose encore un peu. Nous allons ensuite diner en bas, au restaurant de l’hôtel, dehors. Il prend son premier comprimé d’antibiotique. C’est seulement un par jour. Pourvu que ça marche. Il n’a pas faim, mais prend une soupe appelée sancocho, un bouillon de poulet avec riz, maïs et yam.
Jens did not sleep very well and feels quite bad today. He leaves to work, this is the last day of the workshop and it ends at noon.
I stay at the hôtel to work with the blog. At around noon, a hotel employee brings Jens’ bag. Since I do not know where Jens is, I call him. He felt worse this morning at the Institute and his colleagues and students convinced him to go and see a doctor, where he is now. This is a private clinic, at the emergency.The doctor gave his diagnosis after a physical examination and an X-ray : bronchitis that is turning into pneumonia. She prescribes an antibiotic, cough syrup and histamine. Jens pays 70 dollars, which is not very expensive, but it is because he is over 63 years. Back here, Jens look on the internet and found this antibiotic. It is very strong and has many side effects. But what to do? He will take it anyway.
Jens rests. I suggest that I can he go to the pharmacy but he said a short walk will do him good.
So we go later, when it is cooler, to find a pharmacy. The first has not this antibiotic, the pharmacist says he has a similar one, but Jens is skeptical. He has in mind a colleague who, in Chile, took a drug "similar" to Paracet (a Norwegian paracetamol). This medicine was so strong and it killed so many bacteria that the man was left without immune defense system. So we go to another pharmacy.Each pharmacy is a small shop, with no back room like in Norway.There are drawers with drugs, but maybe 50 (100?) times less than ours. And the pills are sold at the unit. Jens also bought a box of 20 tablets of Aspirin and the pharmacist is surprised. A whole box? We pay almost $ 100. No problems for us, but for poor people ...
Jens looks again on the internet and found that this antibiotic should not be combined with the histamine as the Doctor has prescribed. So he will not take the histamine.
It's amazing that Jens is functioning so well with pneumonia. We have a drink by the pool and then Jens rests a little longer. We then have dinner downstairs in the restaurant, outside. He takes his first antibiotic tablet. It is only one per day. Lets hope it will works. He is not hungry, but takes a soup called sancocho, a chicken broth with rice, maize and yam.
I stay at the hôtel to work with the blog. At around noon, a hotel employee brings Jens’ bag. Since I do not know where Jens is, I call him. He felt worse this morning at the Institute and his colleagues and students convinced him to go and see a doctor, where he is now. This is a private clinic, at the emergency.The doctor gave his diagnosis after a physical examination and an X-ray : bronchitis that is turning into pneumonia. She prescribes an antibiotic, cough syrup and histamine. Jens pays 70 dollars, which is not very expensive, but it is because he is over 63 years. Back here, Jens look on the internet and found this antibiotic. It is very strong and has many side effects. But what to do? He will take it anyway.
Jens rests. I suggest that I can he go to the pharmacy but he said a short walk will do him good.
So we go later, when it is cooler, to find a pharmacy. The first has not this antibiotic, the pharmacist says he has a similar one, but Jens is skeptical. He has in mind a colleague who, in Chile, took a drug "similar" to Paracet (a Norwegian paracetamol). This medicine was so strong and it killed so many bacteria that the man was left without immune defense system. So we go to another pharmacy.Each pharmacy is a small shop, with no back room like in Norway.There are drawers with drugs, but maybe 50 (100?) times less than ours. And the pills are sold at the unit. Jens also bought a box of 20 tablets of Aspirin and the pharmacist is surprised. A whole box? We pay almost $ 100. No problems for us, but for poor people ...
Jens looks again on the internet and found that this antibiotic should not be combined with the histamine as the Doctor has prescribed. So he will not take the histamine.
It's amazing that Jens is functioning so well with pneumonia. We have a drink by the pool and then Jens rests a little longer. We then have dinner downstairs in the restaurant, outside. He takes his first antibiotic tablet. It is only one per day. Lets hope it will works. He is not hungry, but takes a soup called sancocho, a chicken broth with rice, maize and yam.
Une rue près de l'hôtel où on a trouvé une pharmacie
A street near the hotel where we found a pharmacy
Un beau vieux bus
A beautiful old bus
La même rue
The same street
La piscine de l'hôtel
The hotel swimming pool
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