Jens part travailler ce matin.
Moi, j’ai une idée : puisque Sébastien ne peut pas assister à la conférence, moi je vais y aller.
Si j’ai bien compris, elle est ouverte « a la communidad » (à la communauté). Peut-être cela veut dire la communauté des géologues, géographes et autres glaciologues. Mais je peux essayer. Si je ne peux pas entrer, je reviens.
Je pars donc vers 10 h, à pied, pour le Centro Cívico. J’y arrive juste à 10 h 30. On m’indique l’Auditorium. C’est un grand auditorium, ouvert. Je rentre et m’installe. Il y a peu de monde, peut-être 50 personnes.
La conférence commence à 10 h 50.
D’abord, le Dr. Meglioli présente le projet d’une mine et le travail d’investigation sur le glacier rocheux.
Puis le Dr. Nullo parle du réchauffement climatique. Il présente aussi les techniques utilisées pour étudier l’évolution du glacier.
Enfin, le Dr. Evenson, lui, parle surtout de l’aspect multidisciplinaire du travail sur le glacier : comment géologues, hydrologues et sismologues collaborent. Il présente aussi tous les appareils qu’ils utilisent : GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar), SAR (Synthesis Aperture Radar) etc…
Je prends pratiquement tout par écrit, les deux premières interventions en Espagnol, la troisième en Anglais.
La conférence dure jusqu’à midi. Après, un petit cocktail est offert. Je prends un petit four et un verre de limonade.
Et voilà !
Je rentre, nage mes douze longueurs et déjeune.
Puis je me mets au travail pour écrire « au propre » mes notes de la conférence. Heureusement, j’ai l’aide du « spell check » en Espagnol, ce système qui repère les fautes d’orthographe sur l’ordinateur. Cela me prend bien 2 h. Ensuite je l’envoie à Sébastien. Et je fais le blog.
Jens rentre. Il se repose un peu et on va nager. On reste diner à la maison, dans le jardin.
On prend un café et un petit verre, après diner. Jens a acheté un brandy de San Juan et une liqueur de menthe pour moi. Sa couleur verte me ravit.
Nous rentrons vers 10 h, je range la cuisine quand on sonne. Nous avons une vraie sonnette à la porte. Qui vient nous rendre visite à cette heure?
Ines et Horacio ! Ils viennent nous inviter pour vendredi soir. On ressort dans le jardin et on boit une bière ensemble. On reste à discuter jusqu’à minuit. Visite surprise et très agréable.
Et au lit.
Jens goes to work this morning.
I have an idea: since Sebastian can not attend the conference, I will attend it!
If I understand rightly, it is open to “la communidad" (the community). Maybe it means the community of geologists, geographers and other glaciologists. But I can try. If I can not go in, I go back home.
So I leave at around 10 am, walk to the Centro Cívico. I arrive at 10:30 am. I find the Auditorium. This is a large auditorium, it is opened. I go in and find a seat. There are not too many people, maybe 50 persons.
The conference begins at 10 h 50.
First, Dr. Meglioli presents a mine project and the investigative work on the rocky glacier.
Then Dr. Nullo speaks of global warming. He also presents the techniques used to study the evolution of the glacier.
Finally, Dr. Evenson speaks of the multidisciplinary work on the glacier: how geologists, hydrologists, seismologists and others are collaborating. He also presents all the devices they use: GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar), SAR (Synthesis Aperture Radar) etc ...
I take almost everything in writing, the first two speeches in Spanish, the third in English.
The conference lasts until noon. At the end, a small cocktail is offered. I take a small cake and a glass of lemonade.
Et voila!
I come home, swim my twelve lengths and lunch.
Then I set to write "clean" my notes from the conference.Fortunately, I am using the "spell check" in Spanish, this system that identifies spelling errors on the computer. Well, it takes me 2 hours to do that. Then I send it to Sebastian. And I write the blog.
Jens comes home. He rests a little and we go swimming. We have dinner at home, in the garden.
We take coffee and a small glass after dinner. Jens bought a brandy from San Juan and a mint liqueur for me. Its green color delights me.
We go in at around 10 pm, I am cleaning the kitchen when the bell rings. We have a real bell at the door. Who comes to visit us at this hour?
Ines and Horacio! They come to invite us to dinner Friday night. We go out in the garden again and drink a beer together. We stay and discuss until midnight. A surprise visit and a very nice one.
And in bed.
I have an idea: since Sebastian can not attend the conference, I will attend it!
If I understand rightly, it is open to “la communidad" (the community). Maybe it means the community of geologists, geographers and other glaciologists. But I can try. If I can not go in, I go back home.
So I leave at around 10 am, walk to the Centro Cívico. I arrive at 10:30 am. I find the Auditorium. This is a large auditorium, it is opened. I go in and find a seat. There are not too many people, maybe 50 persons.
The conference begins at 10 h 50.
First, Dr. Meglioli presents a mine project and the investigative work on the rocky glacier.
Then Dr. Nullo speaks of global warming. He also presents the techniques used to study the evolution of the glacier.
Finally, Dr. Evenson speaks of the multidisciplinary work on the glacier: how geologists, hydrologists, seismologists and others are collaborating. He also presents all the devices they use: GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar), SAR (Synthesis Aperture Radar) etc ...
I take almost everything in writing, the first two speeches in Spanish, the third in English.
The conference lasts until noon. At the end, a small cocktail is offered. I take a small cake and a glass of lemonade.
Et voila!
I come home, swim my twelve lengths and lunch.
Then I set to write "clean" my notes from the conference.Fortunately, I am using the "spell check" in Spanish, this system that identifies spelling errors on the computer. Well, it takes me 2 hours to do that. Then I send it to Sebastian. And I write the blog.
Jens comes home. He rests a little and we go swimming. We have dinner at home, in the garden.
We take coffee and a small glass after dinner. Jens bought a brandy from San Juan and a mint liqueur for me. Its green color delights me.
We go in at around 10 pm, I am cleaning the kitchen when the bell rings. We have a real bell at the door. Who comes to visit us at this hour?
Ines and Horacio! They come to invite us to dinner Friday night. We go out in the garden again and drink a beer together. We stay and discuss until midnight. A surprise visit and a very nice one.
And in bed.
Les trois professeurs à la conférence
The three profesors at the conference
Les instit. manifestent
Teachers are protesting
Mon rapport sur la conférence pour Sébastien
My conference rapport for Sébastien
Horacio, Ines, Jens
Fleur d'agave
Agave flower
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