Nous faisons nos adieux à Steve et Linda. Quels bons amis! Comment les remercier de leur hospitalité, leur gentillesse pour nous et pour Laila et Thorsten ? Nous avons passé quatre jours dont nous nous rappellerons longtemps. Et en plus, nous avons eu très beau temps.
Nous les attendons en Norvège et serions très heureux de les accueillir à notre tour.
Nous partons tôt et arrivons deux heures avant le départ de l’avion pour Denver. Nous avons de la chance : l’aéroport de Denver a été fermé hier à cause d’une tempête de neige, mais maintenant tout est rentré dans l’ordre.
Je suis toute heureuse : j’ai repris contact avec mon amie Ginette à Mexico et nous allons nous voir. Nous étions collègues au Lycée français de Mexico entre 1979 et 1982. Nous nous étions perdues de vue mais je l’ai retrouvée, via sa fille qui est docteur à Montréal ! Vive Google.
Vol sans histoire et une heure et demie à Denver avant de repartir vers Mexico. Nous avons faim, nous n’avons eu qu’une boisson dans l’avion. Nous achetons donc une pizza chacun à Denver. L’avion pour Mexico n’est pas plein mais la majorité des voyageurs sont mexicains. Nous arrivons à Mexico à 21 h 30, heure locale (19 h 30 heure de Seattle).
Krishna, un vieil collègue de Jens et bon ami de nous deux, nous attend accompagné de sa « lady friend », Clara. Nous sommes heureux de nous retrouver.
Il fait nuit donc on ne voit pas grand-chose ; la circulation est assez fluide : c’est samedi soir et en plus ce week-end est un long week-end donc de nombreux habitants de la ville sont partis à la campagne. Nous arrivons chez Krishna et je reconnais bien sa belle maison moderne. La dernière fois que nous étions ici était en 1986. Krishna nous a visités plusieurs fois en Norvège, mais cela remonte loin.
Clara nous fait de bonnes quesadillas, qui consistent de tortillas, fromage, nopales (feuilles de cactus coupées en long, cela ressemble, à voir, à des haricots verts mais ça n’a pas du tout le même goût), frijoles (haricots), salsa verde. Cela est très bon et pour nous c’est le goût de Mexico. Le dessert est une pâte de fruit de coings (membrillo) accompagnée de fromage. Nous sommes ravis … et fatigués.
Au lit !
We bid farewell to Steve and Linda. What good friends they are! How to thank them for their hospitality, their kindness to us and to Laila and Thorsten? We spent four days we will remember for long. And besides, we had great weather. We hope they can visit us in Norway, we would like very much to receive them.
We leave early and arrive two hours before the plane’s departure to Denver. We're lucky: Denver airport was closed yesterday because of a snowstorm, but now everything is back to normal.
I am so happy: I reconnected with my friend Ginette in Mexico and we'll see each other. We were colleagues at the French Lycée in Mexico between 1979 and 1982. We had lost sight but I have found her, through her daughter who is a doctor in Montreal! Viva Google.
Uneventful flight and an hour and a half in Denver airport before leaving to Mexico. We are hungry, we had only a drink on the plane. So we buy a pizza each in Denver. The flight to Mexico is not full but the majority of travelers are Mexican. We arrive in Mexico at 9:30 pm local time (7:30pm in Seattle).
Krishna, an old colleague of Jens and a good friend of us, is waiting for us with his "lady friend", Clara. We are happy to meet again.
It is night so we do not see much; the traffic is quite fluid: it's Saturday night and this weekend is a long weekend so many locals have gone to the countryside. We arrive at Krishna’s home and I recognize his beautiful modern home. The last time we were here was in 1986. Krishna has visited us several times in Norway, but this goes way back.
Clara makes us good quesadillas, which consist of tortillas, cheese, nopales (cactus leaves cut into long strings; they look like green beans but do not taste the same), frijoles (beans), salsa verde. This is very good, and for us and it is the taste of Mexico. Dessert is a quince paste (membrillo) accompanied by cheese. We're thrilled ... and tired.
To bed!
We leave early and arrive two hours before the plane’s departure to Denver. We're lucky: Denver airport was closed yesterday because of a snowstorm, but now everything is back to normal.
I am so happy: I reconnected with my friend Ginette in Mexico and we'll see each other. We were colleagues at the French Lycée in Mexico between 1979 and 1982. We had lost sight but I have found her, through her daughter who is a doctor in Montreal! Viva Google.
Uneventful flight and an hour and a half in Denver airport before leaving to Mexico. We are hungry, we had only a drink on the plane. So we buy a pizza each in Denver. The flight to Mexico is not full but the majority of travelers are Mexican. We arrive in Mexico at 9:30 pm local time (7:30pm in Seattle).
Krishna, an old colleague of Jens and a good friend of us, is waiting for us with his "lady friend", Clara. We are happy to meet again.
It is night so we do not see much; the traffic is quite fluid: it's Saturday night and this weekend is a long weekend so many locals have gone to the countryside. We arrive at Krishna’s home and I recognize his beautiful modern home. The last time we were here was in 1986. Krishna has visited us several times in Norway, but this goes way back.
Clara makes us good quesadillas, which consist of tortillas, cheese, nopales (cactus leaves cut into long strings; they look like green beans but do not taste the same), frijoles (beans), salsa verde. This is very good, and for us and it is the taste of Mexico. Dessert is a quince paste (membrillo) accompanied by cheese. We're thrilled ... and tired.
To bed!
Jens à l'aéroport de Denver
La neige à Denver
Snow, Denver
Passez un bon sejour en Mexique !
ReplyDeleteOn a de la chance -- toujours très beau temps en Tacoma.
Ici, neige...qui fond... Passez un bon sejour!