Branlebas de combat aujourd’hui. Je fais les achats et la cuisine pour demain.
D’abord je vais acheter les « coqs » à une boutique qui s’appelle Avicola Myriam. Avicola, cela veut dire, je suppose, qu’ils ont des bons poulets. Je demande du coq, mais il n’y en a pas. Mais les poulets ont l’air bien. Le boucher me les coupe en morceaux. Pas comme chez nous, pates, blancs, ailes etc. Non, il les coupe en plus petits morceaux, carcasse incluse. C’est bien, cela fait plus d’os qui donneront un bon goût à la sauce. Je prends quatre poulets. Cela fait 6,5 kg de poulet !
Je rentre et je vais les mettre dans le grand frigidaire. La patronne m’a proposé d’utiliser la cuisine de l’hôtel. C’est une petite cuisine, ils ne préparent que le petit-déjeuner dedans. Mais la cuisinière a quatre plaques, mieux que les deux plaques dans « ma » cuisine.
Puis je repars et vais à Libertad acheter le lard fumé (difficile à trouver, le boucher n’en avait pas), les champignons et de la maïsena. Je reviens poser cela. Toutes ces courses, je les fais, bien sûr, en vélo. Je repars encore, à pied, pour acheter oignons et ail à la fruiterie. Je prends aussi des tomates et des avocats. Mais, pour une fois, les avocats ne sont pas bien mûrs. Mais la dame me dit qu’elle va en recevoir demain. Donc, on verra demain.
Une pause. Déjeuner, journal, mais pas de blog aujourd’hui.
A 3 h je m’y mets.
Je descends dans la cuisine. Vanessa me prête une grande cocotte. Mais j’en voudrais bien une autre grande. A l’hôtel, chaque cuisine a une cocotte, mais assez petite. Je rentre dans la cuisine de l’hôtel et que vois-je ? Une belle grande cocotte sur le frigidaire. Avec celle de Vanessa, cela va très bien. Je commence à faire revenir mes morceaux de poulet dans un mélange de beurre (que j’ai économisé depuis plusieurs petits-déjeuners) et d’huile d’olive parallèlement dns mes deux marmites. Je vais emprunter un grand égouttoir dans la petite pièce où est la vaisselle et en le posant sur ma poèle, je peux mettre mes morceaux déjà revenus. Puis je continue ma préparation et enfin laisse le tout mijoter doucement. Cela sent bon et les trois chiens (Sandy, le chien sans nom qui va peut-être s’appeler « Chien » et le chien d’Andrea) viennent à la porte de la cuisine, l’air intéréressé.
Jens rentre après son dernier jour de travail ici. Il lit le journal, se repose un peu et nous allons nous baigner, juste pour nous refarichir. Je sors de la piscine et prends un court bain de soleil.
Vanessa ne travaille pas entre 1 h et 6 h.
Elle reviens et je vais lui parler. Elle a l’air contrariée et soucieuse. Je lui demande si il y a un problème et elle me réponds que oui. La marmite qui était sur le haut du frigidaire est réservée à faire bouillir de l’eau pour le café du petit-déjeuner. Et moi je l’ai prise pour faire mon coq au vin! Elle est ennuyée parce qu’elle ne me l’avait pas dit ou marqué la cocotte avec une note. Mais je lui dit que c’est moi qui suis en faute, je l’ai prise sans demander. Je propose de transvaser le contenu dans une petite cocotte et la sauce dans un bol. De toute façon le coq est fini, on peut l’arrêter. Je vais faire cela et lave bien la cocotte. Vanessa dit qu’elle va la relaver encore une fois et faire bouillir de l’eau dedans. On est d’accord toutes les deux que cela doit aller. Je suis désolée de l’avoir contrariée, elle est si aimable et toujours prête à aider.
Nous dinons léger et savourons notre avant-dernière soirée ici.
Le ”coq” est au frigidaire. Demain, je le réchauffe et épaissis la sauce avec la maïsena.
Big day today. I do the shopping and cooking for tomorrow.
First I buy the "coqs" in a shop called Myriam Avicola. Avicola means, I suppose, that they have good chicken. I ask if they have rooster, but there is none. But the chickens look good. The butcher cut them into pieces. Not at like at home, legs, brast, wings etc.. No, he cuts them into smaller pieces, carcass included. That's good, it makes more bones that will give a good taste to the sauce. I take four chickens. This makes 6.5 kilograms of chicken!
I go and I put them in the big fridge. The hotel’s owner sais that I can use the hotel kitchen. This is a small kitchen, they prepare only breakfast in it.But the stove has four plates, better than the two plates in "my" kitchen. Then I leave and go to Libertad to buy smoked lard (hard to find here, the butcher did not have it), mushrooms and maïsena. I come back. All this shopping, I do, of course, cycling. I'm leaving again, walking this time, to buy onions and garlic at the fruit store. I also take tomatoes and avocados. But, for once, the avocados are not ripe. The lady tells me she will receive new ones tomorrow. So we'll see tomorrow.
A pause. Lunch, newspaper, but no blog today.
At 3 pm I start.
I go down to the kitchen. Vanessa lent me a large casserole dish. But I'd like another big one. At the hotel, every kitchen has a dish, but quite small. I walk into the hotel kitchen and what do I see? A nice big pot on the fridge. This one and Vanessa’s, that's fine. I start to fry my chicken in a mixture of butter (I saved it for several breakfasts) and olive oil, working on my two pots. I borrow a large drainer in the small room where they have the dishes and set it on my frying pan, so I can put my already brown pieces of chicken in it. I continue my preparation and finally let it all simmer. It smells good and the three dogs (Sandy, the dog without a name that will perhaps be called "Chien" and Andrea's dog) come to the kitchen door, very interested.
Jens comes home after his last day working here. He reads the newspaper, rests a little and we're going swimming, just to cool us. I leave the pool and take a short sunbath.
Vanessa does not work between 1 pm and 6 pm.
She is back and I go to talk to her. She seems a little upset and anxious. I ask if there is a problem and she answers yes. The pot that was on top of the fridge is reserved to boil water for coffee at breakfast. And I took it to make my coq au vin! She is annoyed because she had not told me or put a note on the pot. But I tell her that it is my fault, I took it without asking. I propose to pour the content into a saucepan and the sauce in a bowl. In any case the coq is finite, we can stop it. I do that and wash the pot. Vanessa says she is going to wash it again and boil some water in it. We agree that it should go. I'm sorry to have upset her, she is so friendly and always ready to help.
We dine light and savor our almost last evening here.
The "coq au vin" is in the fridge. Tomorrow, I will warm it up and thicken the sauce with maïsena.
First I buy the "coqs" in a shop called Myriam Avicola. Avicola means, I suppose, that they have good chicken. I ask if they have rooster, but there is none. But the chickens look good. The butcher cut them into pieces. Not at like at home, legs, brast, wings etc.. No, he cuts them into smaller pieces, carcass included. That's good, it makes more bones that will give a good taste to the sauce. I take four chickens. This makes 6.5 kilograms of chicken!
I go and I put them in the big fridge. The hotel’s owner sais that I can use the hotel kitchen. This is a small kitchen, they prepare only breakfast in it.But the stove has four plates, better than the two plates in "my" kitchen. Then I leave and go to Libertad to buy smoked lard (hard to find here, the butcher did not have it), mushrooms and maïsena. I come back. All this shopping, I do, of course, cycling. I'm leaving again, walking this time, to buy onions and garlic at the fruit store. I also take tomatoes and avocados. But, for once, the avocados are not ripe. The lady tells me she will receive new ones tomorrow. So we'll see tomorrow.
A pause. Lunch, newspaper, but no blog today.
At 3 pm I start.
I go down to the kitchen. Vanessa lent me a large casserole dish. But I'd like another big one. At the hotel, every kitchen has a dish, but quite small. I walk into the hotel kitchen and what do I see? A nice big pot on the fridge. This one and Vanessa’s, that's fine. I start to fry my chicken in a mixture of butter (I saved it for several breakfasts) and olive oil, working on my two pots. I borrow a large drainer in the small room where they have the dishes and set it on my frying pan, so I can put my already brown pieces of chicken in it. I continue my preparation and finally let it all simmer. It smells good and the three dogs (Sandy, the dog without a name that will perhaps be called "Chien" and Andrea's dog) come to the kitchen door, very interested.
Jens comes home after his last day working here. He reads the newspaper, rests a little and we're going swimming, just to cool us. I leave the pool and take a short sunbath.
Vanessa does not work between 1 pm and 6 pm.
She is back and I go to talk to her. She seems a little upset and anxious. I ask if there is a problem and she answers yes. The pot that was on top of the fridge is reserved to boil water for coffee at breakfast. And I took it to make my coq au vin! She is annoyed because she had not told me or put a note on the pot. But I tell her that it is my fault, I took it without asking. I propose to pour the content into a saucepan and the sauce in a bowl. In any case the coq is finite, we can stop it. I do that and wash the pot. Vanessa says she is going to wash it again and boil some water in it. We agree that it should go. I'm sorry to have upset her, she is so friendly and always ready to help.
We dine light and savor our almost last evening here.
The "coq au vin" is in the fridge. Tomorrow, I will warm it up and thicken the sauce with maïsena.
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