C’est le Jour de la Femme aujourd’hui. J’avais lu dans le journal qu’il y avait une conférence publique à 11 h avec pour thème : « Pas de justice sociale sans égalité des sexes ».
Je pars donc à 10 h 15, à pied, vers le Centro Cívico. La conférence a lieu dans le même auditorium que la conférence sur les glaciers où j’étais allée. En marchant normalement ce serait 20 mn mais il fait si chaud qu’on ne marche pas vite. Je n’y vais pas en vélo parce que j’ai peur qu’on me le vole. J’arrive un peu avant 11 h. De nombreuses femmes et quelques hommes sont déjà là. On ne peut pas rentrer parce que des techniciens font des essais de son.
La conférence sera en duplex avec Buenos Aires. La conférencière s’appelle Dra (Doctora) Alicia Kirchner et elle est à Buenos Aires. Elle est la sœur de l’ancien président Nestor Kirchner et la belle-sœur de l’actuelle présidente Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Elle est ministre du développement social.
Les tests de sons durent jusqu’à 11h 45. La conférence commence presqu’à midi. La salle est comble et beaucoup de femmes restent à l’extérieur.
En fait c’est une conférence organisée par le parti de la présidente. C’est le même parti qui dirige la province de San Juan. C’est un parti peroniste de centre gauche (dixit Wikipedia).
Sur un grand écran, chaque fois que Cristina (c’est comme ça que les gens l’appellent) apparait, la foule applaudit. Le sous-gouverneur fait un court discours, la ministre provinciale du droit des femmes fait un cours discours. Puis des prix sont remis à des femmes qui se sont distinguées sur le plan social en 2011. Le prix (elles reçoivent toutes le même) est un portrait d’Eva Peron !
Puis la Dra. Alicia Krichner parle. C’est pour dire comme la présidente pense aux femmes, se bat pour les femmes etc … Elle ne parle pas longtemps mais est, elle aussi, très applaudie.
L’assistance est composée de femmes assez modestes. Un rang entier est en uniforme de gardiennes de parking. Certaines ont des T-shirts avec un slogan sur la petite enfance. Cristina est populaire parmi les couches modestes de la sociéte. Et c’est vrai qu’elle a pris de nombreuses mesures sociales : allocations familiales, construction de logements sociaux, réforme du mariage favorable aux femmes.
Cela fait drôle d’être parmi une foule si convaincue. J’applaudis aussi quand il faut. Je ne veux pas être la seule qui n’applaudit pas.
Je pars avant la fin. Vers 13 h 30, c’est assez pour moi.
Il fait une chaleur pour marcher (33-34 º)!
Près d’ici, deux petits garçons en uniforme d’écoliers me disent ¡ Feliz Día ! (Félicitations) parce que c’est le jour des femmes.
Cela me semble bon de nager. Je fais 30 longueurs.
Lunch, journal, blog.
Jens rentre, travaille un peu, lis le journal et s’endort. Il dort si bien que je le laisse dormir une heure.
Nous nageons, 20 longueurs pour Jens et 25 pour moi : 660 m aujourd'hui.
Nous dinons dans le jardin commes d’habitude, avec café et petit verre. Il fait toujours très chaud (30º). Cela sent le jasmin dans le jardin.
Nous avons, devant la fenêtre, un lampadaire qui nous gène pour dormir. Jens va mettre un morceau de carton sur la face qui est vers nous. Comme cela on peut laisser les rideaux ouverts.
On dort sur le lit et on n’a pas besoin de se couvrir de toute la nuit.
This is Women's Day today. I had read in the newspaper that there was a public lecture at 11 am on the theme: "No social justice without gender equality".
So I leave at 10:15 am, on foot, to the Centro Cívico. The conference takes place in the same auditorium as the conference on glaciers where I went. Walking normally it would take 20 minutes but it is so hot that one does not walk quickly. I do not ride my bike because I'm afraid that somebody will steal it. I arrive shortly before 11 am. Many women and some men are already there. We can not come in because technicians are experimenting with sound.
The conference will be with some speakers in Buenos Aires. The main speaker is called Dra (Doctora) Alicia Kirchner and is in Buenos Aires. She is former President Nestor Kirchner’s sister and the sister in law of current President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. She is minister of social development.
The sound tests last to 11:45 am. The conference begins almost at noon. The hall is packed and many women remain outside.
In fact this is a conference organized by the president’a pary. This is the same party that is governing the province of San Juan. It is a center-left Peronist party (according to Wikipedia).
On a large screen, whenever Cristina (that's how people call her) appears, the crowd applauds. The Deputy Governor of San Juan makes a short speech, the provincial minister of women's rights makes a speech. Then prices are given to women who have distinguished themselves socially in 2011. The price (they all receive the same one) is a portrait of Eva Peron!
Then Dra. Alicia Krichner speaks. She talks how the President thinks of women, is fighting for women etc. ... She does not talk long but is also very applauded.
The assistance consists of modest women. There is a whole row of uniformed guardians of parking. Some have T-shirts with a slogan on early childhood. Cristina is popular among law layers of society. And it's true that her government has taken many social measures: family allowances, social housing, marriage reform favorable to women.
It is strange to be among a crowd so convinced. I also applaud when needed. I do not want to be the only one that does not not applaud.
I leave before the end. At 1:30 am, it is enough for me.
It's hot to walk (33-34 º)!
Near here, two little boys wearing their school uniform tell me ¡Feliz Día! (Congratulations) because it is Women Day.
That seems good to swim. I do 30 lengths.
Lunch, newspaper, blog.
Jens comes back, works a bit, reads the paper and falls asleep. He sleeps so well that I let him sleep for an hour.
We go swimming, 20 lengths for Jens and 25 for me: 660 m today.
We dine in the garden as usual, with coffee and a little drink. It is still very hot (30 º). It smells of jasmine in the garden.
So I leave at 10:15 am, on foot, to the Centro Cívico. The conference takes place in the same auditorium as the conference on glaciers where I went. Walking normally it would take 20 minutes but it is so hot that one does not walk quickly. I do not ride my bike because I'm afraid that somebody will steal it. I arrive shortly before 11 am. Many women and some men are already there. We can not come in because technicians are experimenting with sound.
The conference will be with some speakers in Buenos Aires. The main speaker is called Dra (Doctora) Alicia Kirchner and is in Buenos Aires. She is former President Nestor Kirchner’s sister and the sister in law of current President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. She is minister of social development.
The sound tests last to 11:45 am. The conference begins almost at noon. The hall is packed and many women remain outside.
In fact this is a conference organized by the president’a pary. This is the same party that is governing the province of San Juan. It is a center-left Peronist party (according to Wikipedia).
On a large screen, whenever Cristina (that's how people call her) appears, the crowd applauds. The Deputy Governor of San Juan makes a short speech, the provincial minister of women's rights makes a speech. Then prices are given to women who have distinguished themselves socially in 2011. The price (they all receive the same one) is a portrait of Eva Peron!
Then Dra. Alicia Krichner speaks. She talks how the President thinks of women, is fighting for women etc. ... She does not talk long but is also very applauded.
The assistance consists of modest women. There is a whole row of uniformed guardians of parking. Some have T-shirts with a slogan on early childhood. Cristina is popular among law layers of society. And it's true that her government has taken many social measures: family allowances, social housing, marriage reform favorable to women.
It is strange to be among a crowd so convinced. I also applaud when needed. I do not want to be the only one that does not not applaud.
I leave before the end. At 1:30 am, it is enough for me.
It's hot to walk (33-34 º)!
Near here, two little boys wearing their school uniform tell me ¡Feliz Día! (Congratulations) because it is Women Day.
That seems good to swim. I do 30 lengths.
Lunch, newspaper, blog.
Jens comes back, works a bit, reads the paper and falls asleep. He sleeps so well that I let him sleep for an hour.
We go swimming, 20 lengths for Jens and 25 for me: 660 m today.
We dine in the garden as usual, with coffee and a little drink. It is still very hot (30 º). It smells of jasmine in the garden.
Outside the window, a lamp post disturbs us. Jens puts a piece of cardboard on the side which is towards us. So we can leave the curtains open.
We sleep on the bed and we do not need to cover us the whole night.
We sleep on the bed and we do not need to cover us the whole night.
Sur l'écran Cristina, la Présidente d'Argentine
On the screen, Cristina, Argentine President
Les femmes
The women
Sur l'écran, Alicia Krichner
On the screen, Alicia Krichner
Le portait d'Eva Peron, donné comme prix
Eva Peron portrait, given as a price
Une bande de chiens
A pack of dogs
Le lampadaire avec son morceau de carton
The lamp post with a piece of cardboard
(Arbuste cultivé)
(Cultivated bush)
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