On se réveille vers 8 h 30. On aurait aimé dormir plus longtemps mais on ne peut pas. Petit-déjeuner dans le jardin, comme d’habitude, mais un peu plus tard.
Puis un peu de lap top (mail, nouvelles) et nous partons en vélo vers 10 h 30. Il fait très chaud.
Nous prenons des petites rues vers l’est, en ville. Les petites rues sont souvent plus ombragées que les grandes rues. Nous passons la rue Boulogne-sur-Mer ! Nous arrivons au centre, après des tours et détours. Jens doit recharger sa chip sur son portable. On trouve une boutique Claro, sa compagnie, mais ils vendent seulement des téléphones. Il faut aller à un « kiosko ». Celui que nous trouvons fait aussi office de téléphone public.
Nous rentrons … et trouvons l’hôtel plein. Apparemment, c’est une grande famille, avec bébé, parents, oncles, tantes, cousins, cousines et grands parents. Les enfants jouent beaucoup dans la piscine. Dans la chambre voisine de la nôtre, une petite fille d’à peu près deux ans est une vraie tyran(e). Elle hurle tous les deux minutes « yo quiero » ou « no quiero » (je veux ou je ne veux pas).
Nous sommes fatigués et, après un cours séjour dans la piscine et un léger lunch, on fait une bonne sieste.
Marcelo et María Teresa téléphonent pour nous inviter ce soir au restaurant.
Ils viennent nous chercher vers 21 h 40 et ils passent chercher de l’argent à un distributeur de billets. Nous arrivons à 21 h 50 au restaurant appelé El Puente (Le Pont). Nous sommes les premiers ! Marcelo est un peu gêné et explique au garçon que nous venons d’Europe et que nous ne sommes pas encore habitués aux horaires argentins.
El Puente s’appelle comme cela parce que le propriétaire, au chômage, a commencé par faire des poulets grillés sous un pont, sous la circonvalación. Puis il a prospéré et ouvert le nouveau Puente.
C’est une « paradilla », c'est-à-dire qu’ils ne servent que des « parillas » (des viandes grillées), avec, bien sur, des accompagnements comme salades, frites et dessert. Mais le plat principal est un assortiment de viandes et abats grillés. Ces morceaux de viande sont présentés sur la table sur un récipient en fer où des braises les gardent au chaud.
Marcelo demande si je peux aller faire des photos des grills. C’est sur le côté du restaurant, un endroit assez étroit, à ciel ouvert et où il fait une chaleur ! Les pauvres qui travaillent là !
Nous goutons de l’intestin de bœuf, des tripes, du ris de veau, du boudin, des saucisses, des morceaux de viandes diverses de bœuf et de porc et même du poulet. L’intestin de bœuf est … interesting !
Les gens arrivent vers 23 h, 23 h30 ou minuit.
Un groupe vient chanter et jouer de la musique. Le chanteur, qui ressemble à un Indien, a une très belle voix. Les gens tapent des mains et certains chantent. Deux couples se mettent à danser.
Nous partons vers 2 h du matin et Marcelo et María Teresa nous ramènent à l’hôtel.
Merci à eux pour cette très bonne soirée.
We awoke at 8: 30 pm. We would have liked to sleep longer but we can’t. Breakfast in the garden, as usual, but a little later than the other days.
Then a little ”lap top” (mail, news) and we leave on bike at 10:30 am. It is very hot.
We're taking small streets to the easter part of the town. The narrow streets are often more shaded than the big streets. We see the street Boulogne-sur-Mer! We arrive downtown, after twists and turns. Jens has to reload his chip on his cellular phone. There is a shop Claro, his company, but they only sell phones. We must go to a "kiosko". We find one that also serves as a public telephone.
We ride back home... and find the hotel full. Apparently this is one large family, with baby, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents. Many children play in the pool. In the room next to ours, a little girl of about two years is a real tyrant. She screams every two minutes "yo quiero" or "no quiero" (I want or I do not want).
We are tired, and after a short stay in the pool and a light lunch, we have a good nap.
Marcelo and Maria Teresa phone to invite us to restaurant tonight.
They pick us up at 9:40 pm, they take out money at an ATM. We arrive at 9:50 pm at the restaurant called El Puente (The Bridge). We are the first customers! Marcelo is a little embarrassed and tells the waiter that we are from Europe and that we are not yet accustomed to the Argentine traditions.
El Puente is called like that because the owner, unemployed, began by selling grilled chicken under a bridge, under the circonvalación. Then he prospered and opened the new restaurant El Puente.
This is a "paradilla", that is to say, they only serve "parillas" (grilled meat), with, of course, side dishes like salads, fries and dessert. But the main course is grilled meat presented on an iron container with hot embers to keeps it warm.
Marcelo asks if I can take pictures of the grills. It is on the side of the restaurant, a place quite narrow, outside, and where it is really hot! Poor people that work there!
We taste the beef intestine, tripe, sweetbreads, blood sausages, sausages, and various pieces of meat from beef and pork and even chicken. The beef intestine is ... interesting!
People arrive at 11 pm, 11:30 pm or midnight.
One group comes to sing and play music. The singer, who looks like an Indian, has a beautiful voice. People clap their hands and sing some of the songs. Two couples begin to dance.
We leave at around 2 am and Marcelo and Maria Teresa take us back to the hotel.
Thank to them for this great evening.
Then a little ”lap top” (mail, news) and we leave on bike at 10:30 am. It is very hot.
We're taking small streets to the easter part of the town. The narrow streets are often more shaded than the big streets. We see the street Boulogne-sur-Mer! We arrive downtown, after twists and turns. Jens has to reload his chip on his cellular phone. There is a shop Claro, his company, but they only sell phones. We must go to a "kiosko". We find one that also serves as a public telephone.
We ride back home... and find the hotel full. Apparently this is one large family, with baby, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents. Many children play in the pool. In the room next to ours, a little girl of about two years is a real tyrant. She screams every two minutes "yo quiero" or "no quiero" (I want or I do not want).
We are tired, and after a short stay in the pool and a light lunch, we have a good nap.
Marcelo and Maria Teresa phone to invite us to restaurant tonight.
They pick us up at 9:40 pm, they take out money at an ATM. We arrive at 9:50 pm at the restaurant called El Puente (The Bridge). We are the first customers! Marcelo is a little embarrassed and tells the waiter that we are from Europe and that we are not yet accustomed to the Argentine traditions.
El Puente is called like that because the owner, unemployed, began by selling grilled chicken under a bridge, under the circonvalación. Then he prospered and opened the new restaurant El Puente.
This is a "paradilla", that is to say, they only serve "parillas" (grilled meat), with, of course, side dishes like salads, fries and dessert. But the main course is grilled meat presented on an iron container with hot embers to keeps it warm.
Marcelo asks if I can take pictures of the grills. It is on the side of the restaurant, a place quite narrow, outside, and where it is really hot! Poor people that work there!
We taste the beef intestine, tripe, sweetbreads, blood sausages, sausages, and various pieces of meat from beef and pork and even chicken. The beef intestine is ... interesting!
People arrive at 11 pm, 11:30 pm or midnight.
One group comes to sing and play music. The singer, who looks like an Indian, has a beautiful voice. People clap their hands and sing some of the songs. Two couples begin to dance.
We leave at around 2 am and Marcelo and Maria Teresa take us back to the hotel.
Thank to them for this great evening.
Rue/Street Boulogne-sur-Mer
Ici, on boit le vin rouge avec de la glace
Here, man drinks red wine with ice
Les viandes gillées
Grilled meat
Un/A grill
Un autre grill
Another grill
Des abats
Les braises
The embers
Nous quatre, on est les premiers clients, il est 22h 30
Us, we are the first customers at 10:30 pm
Les musiciens
The musicians
Des gens dansent
Some people are dancing
Laurier blanc
Nerum Oleander
(Buisson cultivé)
(Cultivated bush)
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